Maler - Klar til at arbejde

Vi har malere klar til at klare jeres opgaver.
Oplys os om typen af opgaver, så matcher vi med rette vikarer.

Need a painter?

Mangler du en malervikar til et byggeprojekt? Uanset om det er stort eller småt har DK Vikarservice faglærte og ufaglærte maler vikarer i hele Danmark. Du kan få de malere du har brug for helt ned til tre dage før dit projekt, går i gang.

Our painters can supplement your regular crew with extra hands or additional skills when you need them. You don't commit to long-term contracts and can easily terminate temporary workers once they've completed the required work.

Skulle I derimod være på udkig efter potentielle nye kollegaer, men gerne vil se dem an først, kan i prøve vores try & hire forløb. Uanset om jeres behov for malere er kortvarigt eller langvarigt, så tag fat i DK Vikarservice.

What type of work can our painting contractors help with, among other things?

Our large catalog of temporary painters includes both skilled and unskilled painters. You can hire painters from Denmark and abroad. All our temporary painters work under Danish labor agreements.

Du kan bestille malervikarer fra DK Vikarservice til både indendørs og udendørs malerarbejde, som kan male på murværk, træværk og metaloverflader.

Our painters can, among other things, perform:

  • Wallpapering

  • Surface grinding

  • Plastering walls

  • Coating

  • Painting

  • Floor paint

  • Felt installation (ceilings, walls, facades and woodwork)

  • Painting panels, doors and windows

  • Indoor climate and environmentally friendly painting

Company service

We specialize in matching skills and companies. We can help you find your next employee!

We have temporary painters for all types of projects

Tag kontakt til DK Vikarservice i dag, og find de malervikarer, I har brug for. 

Our painting contractors can handle virtually all types of building painting
for the following construction projects, among others:

If you're looking for a painter with skills or experience that aren't listed, contact us anyway.
Our catalog of painters is vast, and we're sure to have a professional painter in your local area with the experience and skills you need.

Our painters can do typical and atypical painting jobs.

Når du bestiller maler mandskab fra DK Vikarservice, får du arbejdsmænd, der kan sættes til at løse
de mest gængse, såvel som specialiserede opgaver. Vi har allerede haft kunder, der har bestilt vikarer
fra os til at udføre opgaver som:

We have painting crews with the painting techniques you need to get on with the job.

  • Remodeling of houses, shops, properties, etc. 

  • Restoration projects on apartment buildings, older and listed buildings

  • Repair jobs and give buildings a fresh look

  • Commercial and private buildings
  • Bottom treatment

  • Preparation for wall cladding

  • Painting exterior walls

  • Painting woodwork and decking

  • Outdoor and indoor wall paint

  • Advice on color selection

  • Planning and coordination

Get the painting done with the least amount of administrative work

Når du hyrer en malervikar fra DK Vikarservice, skal du kun fokusere på at sætte vikarene i arbejde. Alt det administrative arbejde, som udbetaling af løn, feriepenge, overarbejde m.m. tager vi os af. Vores vikarer registrerer deres timer i vores vikarsystem, som I også kan følge med i.

We care about your safety. That's why all our temporary workers have been screened and have submitted their CPR number. As a temp agency, we are also registered with the Danish construction industry.

Should your construction schedule change, you can terminate temporary workers with just one week's notice.