Vikarbureau Nykøbing Falster

We have temps for all types of work,
and a wide-ranging catalog covers the whole country

Your temp agency in Nykøbing Falster

Er du byggeansvarlig for et byggeprojekt i Nykøbing Falster? Find de rette lokale kompetencer fra et Vikarbureau i Nykøbing Falster. DK Vikarservice tilbyder både faglært og ufaglært arbejdskraft fra dygtige vikarer.

We can offer local agreements with temporary workers in a wide range of skills and disciplines. In addition to having bricklayers, carpenters, painters, we also have:

We have access to staff in all areas of manufacturing and construction. If you're looking for something that's not on the list, we're likely to have the manpower you need.

Temporary workers for Nykøbing Falster local area

Need temporary workers in Sakskøbing, Vordingborg or other surrounding towns for a construction project? No problem. Our temps are happy to drive a little further to help with your construction project. There's always a lot of construction going on in Nykøbing Falster and the surrounding area, and we're happy to offer one or more helping hands.

Easy hiring processes for you if you need a temp agency in Nykøbing Falster

We engage in a dialog and understand the scope of your construction project and what skills you need to get the right match. It is in our interest that your construction project in Nykøbing Falster and the surrounding area gets the right professional skills to join your team.

Alle projekter er forskellige, og det samme er behovet for arbejdskraft. Derfor tilbyder vi løsninger, der matcher jeres behov og fremtidige ønsker. Bruger du DK Vikarservice som jeres vikarbureau Nykøbing Falster, kan vi lave følgende typer samarbejde

Talk to one of our skilled staff and find the right solution for you. We are ready by the phone and will ask you to call back shortly afterwards if we are busy. We'll make sure you get the temps you need as soon as possible.

Company service

We specialize in matching skills and companies. We can help you find your next employee!

Your benefits with DK Vikarservice as a partner

If you need labor, contact DK Vikarservice

We want to be your preferred recruitment agency for professional and skilled labor for construction projects in Nykøbing Falster. Our temporary workers are passionate about their field and take pride in making your project their own.

Tag kontakt til dit lokale vikarbureau i Nykøbing Falster – DK Vikarservice – i dag, og hør om mulighederne for at ansætte vikarer til jeres byggeprojekt.